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Sorry for my bad English! I'm from Russia. But if you understand me you can get big money.
About subtleties of classical duels
First about on what numbers it is better to put. Here it is necessary to apply the theory of probability. The probability of each number from 0 up to 100 is equal 0.99 % (only 101 number from 0 up to 100, can count up if doubt; 100 %/101 = 0.99 %). In duel play 2 persons, and the one who will appear more close to number of the DuelHunter wins. Having put on number 50, you have identical nearness to 0 and to 100. Which probability of loss if you will put on 0 or 100? ~99,01 %! Your contender will have much more chances if he will put on number more close to 50, namely ~50% . But do not think, that you - one such clever human. Practically all players use the theory of probability. Therefore numbers on which they put, vary in average limits 40-60. Probability of a prize of 40-60%. Why 60? Because, if someone's percent of luck - 40% (that corresponds to probability of a prize at rates on numbers 40 and 60) what means that someone's percent of luck - 60 %. But it is a lot of players, percent share chaotically between players. Skilled players' luck is above 50 %. How to do money if everyone understand the theory of probability? The answer is simple: using all the same theory of probability. Only already in other plan. Average luck at rates on the numbers close to 50 - 50 % (+-10 %). It means that about 4-6 rates from 10 will be advantageous. How it can be used? Applying the certain strategy of insurance of rates. Let's assume that you have put 10 cents and you have lost. The probability of a prize raises at increase in quantity of losses - the theory of probability says about it. Then we put 20 cents, and in case of a prize we win back the previous loss + we receive an additional prize. If you have lost for second time - put 40 cents and win back the lost 30 cents and you receive an additional prize. And so on. Someone can object: a pier, each time the probability of loss is identical. But it not so, with each loss the probability of its (loss) decreases because the general percent of luck cannot lower below 40%. I win from first or second time, hardly less often - from the third time and near never - from the fourth time. The theory of probability works, whatever one may do. Certainly, you can put other rates - more or less than 10 cents. Your first rate should not exceed 2-3 % from your balance, differently it is possible to blow. In general, the more you have money, the more you will do. The most safe sequences of rates:
0.1$-0.2$-0.4$-0.9$-2.1$-4.7$-10.6$ (last rates for very unlucky, hardly you will reach such rates but if your balance near 20 dollars, it will not be terrible). In Russian version you can see screenshots for understanding (Main-Секундант-Секреты дуэлей).
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